View data about Sheriff departments payroll dating back to 2010. Sheriff department payroll is separate from the state's normal payroll, as it's funded by fees for services. This data is published on CTHRU, a website managed by the Comptroller.
Industry employment projections use current and historical data to project how employment in various industries will change over time. These projections include information on employment and growth state-wide, by Workforce Development Area (WDA), and by city/town.
Occupational employment projections use current and historical data to project how employment in various occupations will change over time. These projections include information on employment, growth, wages, and required education state-wide or by Workforce Development Area (WDA)
The Operational Services Division (OSD) sets the tuition prices for M.G.L. approved private special education programs for purchase by cities and towns and Commonwealth departments.
Explore data about the Commonwealth Stabilization Fund (the "rainy day" fund) balances, which is money reserved for emergencies. Dataset spans 1987 to present day. This data is published on CTHRU, a website managed by the Comptroller.
Employment and wage data by industry for Massachusetts and for each Workforce Development Area (WDA). Data include occupational employment data as well as the hourly and annual mean, median, entry and experienced wages. This data is hosted on a website operated by the Department of Economic Research.