Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Download data about asbestos removal projects in Massachusetts. You can filter your search by project ID, location, type, and date. This dataset is hosted in the Energy & Environmental Affairs Data Portal, an open data hub for state environmental data.
Department of Public Health, Population Health Information Tool
Find health behavior data in Massachusetts. This dataset provides selected data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), an annual telephone survey that collects data on emerging public health issues, health conditions, risk factors and behaviors.
Population Health Information Tool , Bureau of Climate and Environmental Health
Find data on childhood lead poisoning in Massachusetts. This dataset contains record-level pediatric blood lead testing data for children in Massachusetts.
Department of Public Health, Population Health Information Tool
Find Massachusetts health data by community, county, and region, including population demographics. Build custom data reports with over 100 health and social determinants of health data indicators and explore over 28,000 current and historical data layers in the map room.