Data on schools & school districts in Massachusetts, including rates of enrollment, retention, and graduation; reports cards, teacher salaries, and finance reports. Maintained by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) collects a wide range of data to help improve teaching and learning. This catalog includes student-, school-, and district-level data, as well as information about the department's accountability system, laws, and regulations. This data is hosted on a website operated by DESE.
The Operational Services Division (OSD) sets the tuition prices for M.G.L. approved private special education programs for purchase by cities and towns and Commonwealth departments.
Welcome to the STEM Dashboard, where you can find data and information on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) Education programs and initiatives.
Student Success & Completion Annual reporting of course completion rates, retention rates, graduation rates, and the number of degrees and certificates awarded. This data is hosted on a website operated by the Department of Higher Education.
Tuition and mandatory fees at all community colleges and state universities, including the University of Massachusetts, over the past 10 years. This data is hosted on a website operated by the Department of Higher Education.